Essays on Infinite Lifespans
Mike Treder
of being able to preserve a backup copy of our personality, as
insurance against the remote possibility that something cata-
strophic might destroy our robot body. This really would make
us effectively immortal, as we could store copies of ourselves
in places all over the solar system, the galaxy, or eventually
even beyond.
It is a loathsome and cruel trick that nature takes such an
exquisitely wondrous creation as the human brain and impris-
ons it inside the weak, inefficient, fragile, and short-lived
structure that is the human body. Our bodies may be beauti-
ful, but they are unacceptably ephemeral.
The body you now inhabit, however remarkable it may be,
is not the product of intelligent design. It was not created
for any purpose other than survival and reproduction. We are
conditioned by social and biological forces to favor the appear-
ance of the human form and to be attracted by its outlines and
contours. It is therefore a natural reaction although not nec-
essarily a rational one for us to be repelled by any substantial
deviation from the standard model. Thats why most of us
cringe (at least inwardly) at the sight of a person with a disfig-
ured face or missing limbs. It also explains why many people
are repelled by the thought of replacing the natural human
body with one of artificial design and creation.
And yet, why not? The body we were given by nature is
the result of millions of years of meandering and directionless
change. It is the product of a tortuous, cumbersome, slow
and dumb process called evolution. The human body was not
designed for our optimum enjoyment and benefit; it became
as it is now basically by accident. Nature, given its leeway,
would continue to blindly experiment with us. Following the